Meaning of (प्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन) pratyavarodhana in english

As noun : resistance Ex:  Despite early resistance
barrier Ex:  barrier whammy interruption Ex:  The war raged without interruption for years to impediment encumbrance interference sticking point obstruction curtain Ex:  Pull the curtain, close a curtain to hide something with curtain drag rub Ex:  The rub oil or melted wax to prevent the material flow that are attached to it from wall Ex:  Schumacher went off track, hitting a wall with his right side wheels. block Ex:  Bolt saw Each cut that is made with the saw in a piece of wood in a stone block snag clog opposition Ex:  However, the attack quickly encountered heavy opposition and stalled. hurdle hitch Ex:  , There is a hitch to his reputation difficulty Ex:  They all share a difficulty in pumping low molecular weight gases curb Ex:  Action to curb or result of this action retention restriction repression Ex:  These campaigns of mass repression targeted former KMT officials brake Ex:  Remember, slow, stop with a brake skid suppression pause check Ex:  In the old legislation, a check parliament edict, The Register restraint Ex:  Making his restraint brake shoe retardation block Ex:  Bolt saw Each cut that is made with the saw in a piece of wood in a stone block bridle
As verb : set back
Suggested : something that encumbers something burdensome, useless, or superfluous burden hindrance an act or instance of interrupting the evil eye jinx anything built or serving to bar passage, as a railing, fence, or the like the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding
Exampleप्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन) pratyavarodhana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 23 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pratyavarodha, pratyavarodhana

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